We’ve all heard the phrase “there’s not enough time in the day!” Between lifestyle, work, and relational commitments, it can be quite challenging to tackle everything on your list. Of all of the important ingredients to increasing productivity and achieving desired results, the most important element tends to fall at the bottom of our list: spending time with God.
Personally, I used to find spending quality time with God as a chore. (Lord, forgive me!) #lestruggle. On any given week, my schedule is inclusive of intense travel, consulting, serving in music ministry, connecting with friends + family, background singing + studio recording, asset management and financial planning.
Overtime, it hit me! After completing everything on my task list, I managed to squeeze God into the little time that was left (on a few days out of the week.) MAJOR FAIL. I realized that I had to adjust my strategy in time management.
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." - Matt. 6:33
If you’re challenged with making the most of your time and/or spending quality time with God, here are a few suggestions:
1. Get an early start.
How you start your day sets the tone for the rest of your day. Subsequently, it's hard to rush without being stressed and I've never heard anyone complain about getting ahead. In addition to waking up early, an inspirational message accompanied with a positive attitude can change your life; they are, wholeheartedly, indispensable ingredients for morning calibration.
2. Choose wisdom.
When you seek God about your life, He will share with you what He’s doing in you, for you, and through you. There is absolutely nothing that you encounter that God has not seen. I mean.. seriously! This is the game changer.
3. Be intentional and learn to say "no."
When you know what you’re supposed to do, it’s easier to say no to the things that are not within your personal umbrella. Yes, there will be outliers. However, you must identify and commit to the things that deserve your time.
4. Prioritize wisely.
Once you confirm that you are spending your time and energy on the right things, assess your task list and prioritize based on time sensitivity (urgent, non urgent) and criticality (critical, important, normal, low.)
5. Find out where you’re wasting time.
Take a few minutes to audit & identify the tasks that could be executed more effectively. (i.e. making a checklist before leaving home, planning your route to take care of errands, or optimizing your work commute departure time.)
6. Engage in Pastor Michael Todd’s "Thirsty 30" method.
Each day, try to take 30 minutes to worship, study scripture, and pray (10 minutes each.) If you're just starting out, begin with a couple of days per week. (I'll discuss supporting details in a later post.)
7. Utilize post-it notes!
Write an applicable scripture on a post-it note, and place it in a visible location at home, in your car, or at work. You can meditate on this scripture for the week and ask God to help you employ the message.
Honestly, one or two tweaks can make a great difference in your level of peace and productivity.
I pray we all find a deeper joy in spending time with the one who loves & takes care of us the most. More than He wants us to enjoy His gifts, He wants us to enjoy Him.
Keep Him first and everything else will fall into place. #EVERYTHING.
With love,