Today marks my six year anniversary on my dream job! After graduation, I had a one week tenure of liva lavida loca before I started work! Though this was a monumental milestone for me, I had to ensure that my excitement infused my desire to be an energetic, focused professional who was committed to collaboration, growth, and integrity while making tangible contributions.
”Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters” - Colossians 3:23
All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. - Proverbs 14:23
After six years of doing what I love, I’m confident that there were several things that have contributed to my Work Joie Journey!
1. Be Intentional
Know what your goals are for a project, quarter, and/or year. Also, design and commit to long term goals. Each assignment that you have should allow you to contribute and learn, cohesively.
Once you have mastered something, make sure you keep your eyes open for other ways to develop as a professional. This doesn’t require switching roles as much as it requires an open mind and creativity.
2. Study
Do your research. There are such things as questions that you can find out for yourself without asking others. Self education is a wonderful thing and can lead you into developing in so many areas.
Also, each restriction and element of personal ownership and influence that is related to your area of work should be understood and applied.
3. Inquire & Listen
Don’t be afraid to ask. Be slow to speak and eager to listen.
Learn history, progress, & vision as it pertains to your role, your responsibilities, and your company.
4. Stay True to Who You Are & Be Accountable
Do not allow yourself to be influenced by others if it will not make you a better professional in ethics, morals, contribution, or organizational health.
In alignment with your integrity, It is only right to speak up when necessary and say no even when it’s not suggested.
5. Demonstrate Leadership & Encourage Accountability
In these days, there are a few things that you can complete by yourself. Most work requires teamwork and collaboration. So you have to be open to people’s ideas while having confidence in your own perspective. Always remember that they need your knowledge, skills, and abilities to cultivate creativity and innovation.
Within any diverse organization, challenges will be exposed. However, the game changer is when you can contribute to both your team objectives and challenges with a solution focused mentality.
Have the freedom to recognize others when they do great work (even if no one recognizes you for your own work.)
6. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
Keep records of documentation.
Confirm that the message sent is the message received in any form of dialogue.
You are the only one who knows your strengths & weaknesses at best. You also know your limits. So it is imperative to utilize your education, experiences, and unique personality to fuel organizational effectiveness.
Communicate your standards (even if this means telling a friendly coworker that you will not engage in gossip.)
7. Seek Mentor-ship
Some companies will assign you mentors, but others won’t. Ultimately, it is your responsibility (not your mentor, coworker, or boss) to own your development.
NOTE: When I was in college and would complain about a professor who didn’t show interest in my concerns, my dad told me that my professors already had degrees + careers. He explained to me that I was that one trying to get to where they were, so I needed to own my progression and develop the best plan for me to get where I wanted to be.
Many leaders have heavy workloads and dynamic responsibilities. Keep this in mind when you find the right mentor and strive to be a contributor to that relationship.
8. Keep Your Standards High
Everything that you do is a representation of yourself. Your product should not be influenced by recognition or downplaying + copying someone else’s work. If you commit to high ethical standards and unshakable productivity, you have exceeded many.
Blessings and Love,